

UTC Overseas, Inc. is committed to excellence in all aspects of our business, and that includes our commitment to operating as a sustainable company.

On a continuing basis, we will expand our efforts to be a sustainable organization through a variety of initiatives. We are committed to making progress by measuring and reducing our carbon footprint and have implemented company-wide initiatives to lower our own energy use and environmental impact. We will continue to assess opportunities to improve the efficiency of our operations and strive to be a good environmental steward and a responsible, community friendly business.

Over the years, our employees have made a commitment to provide assistance to a number of local non-profit organizations across the USA. Through donations and volunteerism, UTC recognizes and supports those who give so selflessly to others.

Employees at all levels of the organization are motivated and dedicated to meeting the company’s strategic goals whether they are environmental, financial or otherwise. UTC will consistently challenge all of our employees to reach further in our commitment to be a responsible corporate contributor to sustainability.

UTC fully supports the many partnerships our employees share with their local communities. Our efforts to be a sustainable organization and improve the quality of life in our communities will be ongoing.